Friday, May 13, 2016

Daniel Radcliffe News: Details of the Jeans for Refugees Exhibit and Auction featuring Dan's Jeans

We previously shared on our newspaper news that Dan Radcliffe was to donate jeans for a art project called Jeans for Refugees. 

I contacted the website coordinator and all the details of the exhibition and auction have now sent to us:

• The ‘Jeans for Refugees’ exhibition will run for one week at the Saatchi Gallery from the 22nd-28th August, with a launch party held in a five star London hotel.

• An auction dinner event will be held at the end of the exhibition. This will be a fundrais-ing event including guest list, catering, and a live auction.

• Auction target - 1-20 million. Starting prices will be decided upon in consultation with our auction house - as a rough estimate we expect 100,000 for top celebrity pieces starting at £20,000.

• Funds and proceeds from the auction will be collected by the auction house and trans-ferred to the International Rescue Committee.

• Information about the IRC initiatives that will be funded by the proceeds of the auction can be found at

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